We are developing a
new sustainable economic growth model
to grow Business & Society together.
General Internet, our partner company,
invests in companies, help them grow their business,
and redistribute a portion of the gain to finance great causes

Society finances new businesses...
We look at what the world needs and
we process to invent, run and grow new businesses
as a network of partners
where each partner brings a part of the solution.
We find the companies we want to work with: startups, SMEs.
We finance growth engines.
We bring capital, technologies and services with General Internet Company.
When collaborations generate gains, the foundation gets money and can finance society.
At the end, everybody wins and we build altogether a better world.

Then Businesses finance Society
From the gain of business projects, our social funds grow.
We receive donations from Large Enterprises, SME & Startups we helped.
We don't decide what great causes we finance
Large Enterprises, SME & Startups, which gave back, do.
We propose a new business model for the world.